
Edh elixir of immortality
Edh elixir of immortality

edh elixir of immortality

  • Talk to the alchemist and he will give you the CROSS KEY (Y).
  • Press the doorbell button again and enter the laboratory.
  • Use the PICK on the rock blocking the grate (W).
  • The alchemist won't talk until the chemicals are gone.
  • Replace the DOORBELL and press the button (V).
  • Look at the close-up of the laboratory door (U).
  • Walk left 3 times to return to the storage yard.
  • Select the overturned cart on the right for a hidden object game.
  • The DOORBELL will go into your inventory.
  • Select the overturned urn in the center of the scene for a hidden object game.
  • Walk right through the gate to the inner courtyard.
  • Place the STONE BALL into the hands of the statue (T).
  • Combine the two STONE BALL PIECES inside your inventory (S).
  • Click on the gear handle to turn it the statue will then rotate.
  • Look at the close-up of the grate on the statue place the GEAR HANDLE in the center (R).
  • Click on a square adjacent to the empty spot to slide it.
  • The object is to move the pieces so that a circle is formed in the center.
  • Click on the back of the statue for a mini-game.
  • edh elixir of immortality

    Walk right and return to the courtyard.The GEAR HANDLE will go into your inventory.Select the hole in the wall on the upper left for a hidden object area.Take the STONE BALL PIECE from the mouth of the gargoyle (P).Place the STONE EYE into the eye socket on the gargoyle statue (O).The STONE EYE and STONE BALL PIECE will go into your inventory.Select the base of the fountain for a hidden object scene.Exit the dock and return to the courtyard.Look at the close-up of the drain grate area.Select the breach in the wall by the right gate for a hidden object scene.Exit the dock through the door to enter the courtyard.The door will open when the pick is correctly set.Click on the handle to raise the pick and better see what needs to be changed (N).The object of this mini-game is to swap the metal tumblers to match the lock pattern (M).Use the LOCK PICK on the door for a mini-game (L).Note the lighthouse sign in the upper left (J).Look at the close-up of the drain use the CANE on the grate (G).Select the suitcase on the dock for a hidden object scene.Press the left lever 8 times (8X) and the right lever 3 times (3X) to solve.The right lever moves the time ahead 45 minutes. The left lever moves the time back 25 minutes.The object of this mini-game is to set the clock to 10.When the Occultist appears, click on him to talk and he will give you a clue to turn on the power (E).Combine the BOX OF MATCHES (C) and the LANTERN WITH OIL to get the LIT LANTERN.Inside your inventory, combine the GAS CAN (A) and the EMPTY LANTERN (B) to get the LANTERN WITH OIL.The EMPTY LANTERN, BOX OF MATCHES, and GAS CAN will go into your inventory.Select the sparkling boat in the lower left for a hidden objects scene.Combine items by dropping one item onto another while inside your inventory.The magnifying glass in the lower right corner will show all the areas that you can interact with in a scene (L).Select an item in your inventory to use it, or combine it with another item (K).Click on INVENTORY to show/hide your inventory (J).You can also hover your cursor over the diary to see the current tasks.Look at the diary to read notes on your accomplishments and tasks (I).The MENU button takes you to the menu (G).You must locate all the items on the list to receive the inventory items (F).It will change to an hour glass while recharging.In hidden object scenes, the hint is the candle in the lower right corner (E).Hidden object scenes are random, so your solution may vary.You may skip mini-games once the skip meter is full.From the main screen you may manage player profiles (B).You may play this game in Windowed or Fullscreen Mode.The Options Menu allows for the adjustment of music and sound volumes (A).

    edh elixir of immortality

    Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited. This walkthrough was created by prpldva, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with. We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. This document contains a complete Elixir of Immortality game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay! Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Go undercover in a spectacular castle and unmask a murderer! Welcome to the Elixir of Immortality Walkthrough!

    Edh elixir of immortality